Google’s New “Helpful Content” Algorithm Update: What you need to know

Google recently announced its new update titled “Helpful Content” and it goes in effect from August 2022.

With this new update, Google will ensure that original and Helpful Content ranks higher in search engine result pages and not primarily SEO-optimized Content written for search engines to gain traffic.

You should now focus your efforts on writing valuable and engaging content that helps your audience rather than just on SEO optimization.

Google is now putting greater emphasis on people-first Content. Now, this might make you question what is people-first Content.

People-first content is content that is written with the mindset to help solve our audience’s pain points. The content should be of value to the reader’s and help them solve a problem they have.

Wondering how you can create people-first and helpful content? Follow these common guidelines:

  • Make an effort to know your audience and identify their pain points. Identify what are their problems and how your content can offer them a solution.
  • Originality is an important factor in creating Helpful Content. Be original and create content that provides value.
  • When writing content for the user, relevance is something that cannot be ignored. The content you write and post must be relevant. This also means that no misleading titles should be there.
  • Focus on clarity. Clarity is important to make sure that you are able to send your message across and the reader is able to understand it in the exact manner.
  • Use emotions to add a personal touch to your content. Emotions make you human. People connect with people, not search engines. Adding emotions to your content will help people to relate with you more and thus, connect better with you.
  • Interactive content is a big plus. Make sure content is such that it makes people want to interact with it. It will help you generate more visits and lead to higher user engagement.

Read my original post on LinkedIn here: Google’s Helpful Content Update: What You Need To Know

Read more content on Digital Imly Blog.

This was the Google Helpful Content Update. We are eager to know how it is going to change things in the content world. Are you curious too? Stay tuned for more such updates!

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